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About us

UK Friends of Ecolint is a registered charitable incorporated organisation
(CIO) in the United Kingdom.

Our objectives are to contribute towards the advancement of education and learning, in particular by:

1. Supporting the activities of the International School of Geneva (Ecolint); and

2. Supporting charitable activities of other organisations as the trustees shall determine from time to time.

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No matter which area you support or what amount you choose to donate, Ecolint is extremely grateful for your tax-deductible gift.


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The Ecolint Scholarship Programme is tailored for students with promise and potential, but whose background and situation means they do not have the financial means to attend.

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The impact of your support is direct and meaningful and has a profound impact on our students and staff. Thanks to your generosity, there are truly no limits to the dreams they wish to achieve and the contributions they can make to the world of tomorrow.

Impact update